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Author Guidelines

Before submitting a manuscript, please ensure that it conforms to the Aims & Scope of Momentum Quarterly. Only manuscripts that are not currently under review at or were accepted and/or published in other journals can be submitted. If a publicly accessible version of the submitted article exists, a link to the preprint should be provided in the "Comments for the Editor" section. By submitting your manuscript, you accept the terms and conditions of Momentum Quarterly's Publication Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Necessary Documents: At least two documents should be submitted: title page and main text. Please submit these documents either in the free ODT-format (e.g. Libre/OpenOffice) or in the DOC/DOCX-format (Microsoft Word); submitting in the format of PDF is also possible upon request. Both documents must comply with the guidelines for content, formatting, language, citations and references listed below.

Title Page: The title page should contain: 1) author information including name, affiliation, email address, and optional ORCID number, 2) titles of the article, abstracts (maximum 1200 characters, including spaces), and three to five keywords in German and English, respectively, 3) information on acknowledgements, funding, potential conflicts of interest and data availability in German or English (if relevant). The following guidelines apply: 

  • Authorship: All parties who have made a substantive contribution to the article have to be listed as authors. All authors have given consent for publication.
  • Main Contact: One author, ideally the submitter, must be identified as the main contact person
  • Acknowledgements: All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an Acknowledgements section.
  • Funding: Authors must report any financial support received that supported the work on the manuscript.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Any interests and/or relationships that could compromise the objectivity of the authors, must be disclosed.
  • Data Availability: Momentum Quarterly encourages open access to data. Data can either be shared via the website or links to other institutional repositories (e.g., GESIS, AUSSDA). Note that there is no obligation for authors to publish data or statements regarding data availability.

Main Text: In the main text, titles, abstracts, and keywords in German and English should be repeated on the first page. Please make sure to omit any formulations in the main text that could reveal the author’s identity to the reviewers. Please also remove all metadata (e.g. personal information, document properties) from the main text.

Other Documents: In addition to the title page and main text, other supplementary documents (in other formats) such as an online appendix, datasets or transcripts may be included.


Length: Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (incl. figures, tables and appendices, excl. references).

Font: “Times New Roman”, size 12 pt., 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins.

Headings and sections: A maximum of three levels of headings is allowed; use second- and third-level headings in sets of two or more; Numbering: 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1.

Page numbering: All pages of the manuscript should be numbered consecutively.

Figures and Tables: Should be included at an appropriate position in the main text (not at the end of the document); in case of acceptance, images should be supplied as separate files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) and line art as vector-based, separate .eps files with a resolution of 600 dpi.

Footnotes: Footnotes are reserved for supplementary comments and should be kept to a minimum. Footnotes referring to the preceding sentence should be placed after the punctuation marks. If the footnote relates to only one word, the footnote marker should be placed directly after the word.


Language: Submissions are possible in German and English.

English language submissions: Grammar and spelling should be based on American English, punctuation and grammar follow the Chicago Style Guide; use sentence-style capitalization for headings (capitalize first word, lowercase the rest).

Gender-neutral language: Momentum Quarterly endorses the use of gender-neutral language and reserves the right to edit articles in that regard.


Momentum Quarterly uses Harvard reference style with citations in-text, in parentheses. Page numbers should be listed after the publication year and colon without “p.” or “pp.”; examples for in-text citations:

  • One author: (Meier 2011: 32)
  • Two authors: (Meier/Müller 2011: 32)
  • Three or more authors: (Meier et al. 2011: 32)

Additionally, the following guidelines apply:

  • In case of more references to works of authors in one publication year, distinguish different sources with lower-case letters: (Meier 2011a, 2011b)
  • When citing classical works, first list the original publication date, followed by the publication date of the edition cited: (Keynes 1936/2011)
  • Separate citations of different authors with semicolons and order alphabetically: (Meier 2011; Müller 2011)


All references cited in the manuscript should be listed alphabetically after the heading “References” at the end of the main text. This list should include only works cited in the text. Do not use “et al.” in the reference list but list all authors, separated with forward slashs  (“/“). The inclusion of a URL requires a reference to the date of last access.

General logic: Surname, shortened first name (publication year in brackets): Title. Source. Italicize the title of books or edited volumes and the journal title, respectively. Page numbers without “pp.“  after a comma at the end.

Example book:

  • Butler, J. (1991): Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp.

Example journal article:

  • DiMaggio, P.J./Powell, W.W. (1983): The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields. American Sociological Review, 48 (2), 147-160.

Example article in an edited volume:

  • Wegscheider, A. (2009): Armut und Behinderung: Zur Situation von Menschen mit Behinderung in Österreich. In: Blaha, B./Weidenholzer, J. (Hg.): Gerechtigkeit: Beiträge zur Sozial-, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftspolitik. Wien: Braumüller, 55-70.

Example online available conference paper:

  • Dreidemy, L. (2010): „Aus der Geschichte lernen … und gegen die Rotfront kämpfen!“ – Das Dr. Engelbert Dollfuß-Museum in Texingtal. Paper presented at Momentum10: Solidarität, Track 8: Hegemonie in der Mediengesellschaft. Online: [02.11.2011]

Example of online source:

  • Sitrin, M. (2013): Occupy Trust: The Role of Emotion in the New Movements. Online: [07.06.2016].

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